Sunday, December 2, 2012

Don't Get the Blues from Studying, Let's Just Quiz Away til we know the material....

Mrs. Brown uses StudyBlue and I use Quizlet....both are AWESOME ways to review for quizzes and tests, both allow you to review using traditional "flashcards" and "pretend tests) and both have mobile applications....

In order to access StudyBlue you first  need to "sign-up". Then, you can do a search for Eileen Brown and you will see a pretty flower icon next to her name. From there, you will find all of the information she has to share.

With Quizlet, I share the link and when you click on it you will be taken directly to the list of flashcard sets. One thing I do appreciate about Quizlet, is that you can play "games" while studying and if you create a group, you can then race against each other.

Regardless.... StudyBlue or Quizlet...Fantastic sites to help you study for any course requiring memorization of facts.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Life in the Deep Oceans Oceanography Sci 9

Watch this again as you study your notes for science class.....  what an amazing world that lies beneath us....

Underwater Astonishments...Oceanography 9

Wow..... as you review your notes from class, take a minute to enjoy a 5 minute video showing some incredible sea creatures as presented by David Gallo

Saturday, November 10, 2012