Monday, October 15, 2012

Types of Air Masses based on Region

A great video to remind you about types of air masses...

Watch This!!

Weather Phenomenon
Prior to the Passing of the Front
Contact with the Front
After the Passing of the Front
TemperatureWarmCooling suddenlyCold and getting colder
Atmospheric PressureDecreasing steadilyLeveling off then increasingIncreasing steadily
WindsSouth to southeastVariable and gustyWest to northwest
PrecipitationShowersHeavy rain or snow, hail sometimesShowers then clearing

Weather PhenomenonPrior to the Passing of the FrontContact with the FrontAfter the Passing of the Front
TemperatureCoolWarming suddenlyWarmer then leveling off
Atmospheric PressureDecreasing steadilyLeveling offSlight rise followed by a decrease
WindsSouth to southeastVariableSouth to southwest
PrecipitationShowers, snow, sleet or drizzleLight drizzleNone

Figure 7r-3: Atmospheric cross-section of a warm front

Figure 7r-4: Atmospheric cross-section of a occluded front.

Air Mass Source Regions



Below is a link that will take you to the website where these diagrams came from. You will find more detailed information on the fronts and further down the page new topics (you haven't done in science class) are presented.              

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